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​Game map - an introduction to the web page 

Does violence in games have an impact on young kids and gamers in general?

Does it cause them to be violent in reality, or are violent video games simply a scapegoat for agressive behavior that might in fact be a human condition?

This is how simple the controversy can be termed. The answers however seem to be less simple. We find that a lot of spheres online have been dedicated to say something about this matter. And furthermore, totally opposite expert advices have been given. 

So, who are involved in this debate - who has something at stake here?

Well, those who are participating in the discussions online are; concerned parents, phychology experts and to a minor extend gamers.

And what is then driving the debate...

We find it to be fears: Fearing that ones kids will get behavioral and social problems, fearing that we will see a coming generation of people not being able to distinguish between fantasy and reality and from the gamers side fearing to not being able to play those games that give a kick and maybe create a social interaction for them. 

This web site is providing a tour through the landscape of fears in the controversy of violent video games. The games becomes frightfull in themselves in some of the networks that is created online.

Not visible in the debate - neither on Wikipedias representation or in the major online debate. However, these sites have in general great acknowledgement and gamers link a lot to them. That is why they appear so big when looking at the maps of debaters online.




Very visible online but not acknowlegded to a greater extend by neither experts or gamers

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